Monday, January 28, 2008

Ay Dios Mio, What A Weekend

Thursday night Cory called and said he was going to crash in the city and asked if I wanted to hang out. He brought over some wine and we had a glass before deciding that we wanted to grab a bite. We actually walked around my neighborhood for a while looking for something eye-catching and wandered into a Peruvian place. However, upon seeing cow heart on the menu, Cory decided he was not a fan. We were back on the prowl for another place when his friend Jimmy called, apparently after a bad date. He met us at a Thai place on 2nd Ave…making every date I’ve had with Cory a group affair. Seriously, we have never been out alone. I don’t mind really. It’s just kind of odd that we’ve never had a night out without any of our friends around. We drank, ate, and drank lots more between the restaurant and return to my apartment. I’d say we made it through about half a movie before we were ready to hit the sheets dirty style. Delicious buzz sex ensued. Afterwards, we heard Ellie’s drunk ass come in with a guy and my drunk ass wanted to say hello to both of them. Ellie bitched Cory out for a minute about being M.I.A. lately (which he has been…another woman? Hm). Cory and I were ass naked mind you. What can I say though, I sweat perfume and I piss class. We followed with another go at the nasty, a few hours of sleep, and some more sweet morning lovin’. That’s the most sex Cory and I have ever had together, and I was not complaining.

Friday was a bit different. I had a guest bartending spot at a bar that I LOVE. It’s actually the place I discovered PhilMo. I worked during happy hour and then proceeded to drink myself retarded on the other side of the bar. Ellie and Michelle were there so I was hanging out with them and some bar customers. I managed to arrange a dinner for Wednesday with my fellow guest bartender. (He is cooking for me.) I also seemed to make an impression on his boss…who wants to take me out. To top this off, I was, for some unknown reason, dancing and totally MAKING OUT with a bald European guy. At some point Ellie heads home, but I was busy bobbing my head with Euro-trash and stayed until sometime after 2. I eventually was so drunk and hungry that I headed out and he tried to follow me. Luckily my common sense finally kicked in and I went home to get food alone and walked home gnawing on chicken strips.

Saturday we had gone out to Brooklyn for Mark’s art show, but once again heard from Cory. He and Vince (superhotfriend) invited us up to Westchester for the night. Naturally, we made a run for home and got on the first train we could catch. The boys picked us up in Vince’s new Porsche Cayenne and when we got back to the house, they basically fed us and got us drunk. I learned a couple new drinking games too…For some reason though, I wasn’t really feeling sex-y. I started to fall asleep with Cory on the couch and I guess Vince and Ellie had already gone upstairs. We were messing around…still nothing. We headed up to bed and I indulged his wants, but I really didn’t get anything out of it. It was really strange after how things were on Thursday night. What’s my problem??

I got a news flash this morning. I went to gossip with Ellie about the night’s happenings and she dropped a bomb that I was NOT expecting. Cory is divorced. WHAT?! Now I understand that he’s older than I am, but he has never ever mentioned anything like this. Ever. Now I’m wondering why he hasn’t told me, when he will tell me, and a hundred other details about him and this marriage. I’m not sure what to think, but I know I’m going to let him tell me on his own watch. It’s not really my business, but it is kind of a big deal in a relationship, is it not?

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