Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yankee boy did what??

Moving is always a pain in the ass, but Cory seems to have taken the process to a new level of complication. He’s got two houses he’s trying to sell, all the while not having a place in Manhattan to move into. My dear, what exactly are you thinking? Oh wait, he was thinking that he’s got a bunch of friends who are rich too. He can just bum a house from someone. Right now he’s staying at an amazing house in the beautiful hills of Westchester County. He called yesterday inviting me up to have dinner and stay the night. Naturally I had to see this place, especially since I hadn’t been up to Westchester yet. I caught an evening train and was greeted by Cory’s adorable face when I arrived. We went back to the house and I got meet his (seriously hot) friend Vince.

Now being from the south, I am used to playing hostess and doing all the cooking while the boys sit around and act like they are serving a purpose by watching TV or falling asleep on the couch. I was in for a very pleasant surprise. Cory and Vince poured me a glass of wine, set out a nice hors d’oeuvres plate, and proceeded to make a fucking delicious meal with absolutely no help from myself or any other female. A few glasses of wine got me over the almost awkward shock of men cooking for me. I wish Ellie had been there to appreciate that phenomenon with me, but her ass is still out of town. After dinner and a good buzz we ordered a movie and relaxed by the fire…and waited for Vince to go to bed. Once Cory and I had the living room to ourselves we made good use of that big, cozy couch. Outside, it was pitch black and we had just enough light from the crackling fire to find our ways around each other. It was that easy, relaxing kind of sex that’s perfect right after you’ve had some drinks and an amazing dinner. Ohhh baby...

This morning I woke up to Cory bringing me orange juice. Papa knows what I like. I could have gone back into the city with Vince, but I really didn’t have shit to do today. I decided to stay in Westchester with Cory and it turned out to be a lazy day since he was upstairs working most of the time. My time was spent having my breakfast and lunch served to me and otherwise lounging. I could live like this.

I just worry. Is Cory too good to be true? What’s going to happen when he lives in the city? He doesn’t seem to be rushing into anything serious, but I know how I am with commitment…


W. Maximus the First said...

Dixie my love don't worry about if hes too good to be true right now. Indulge and enjoy the moment because it is not often that one is treated to having men cater to your needs.

Funguy said...

I miss serving a purpose by sleeping on the couch :(