Sunday, January 6, 2008

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hi there folks. Welcome to Dixieland. I hail from the great state of Texas, but I decided to up and move to New York City. I’ve only been here a few months and I can hardly keep up with the trouble I get into. Time to start writing things down, no? First I think I should start by introducing the current main characters (They’re characters, not people, trust me.) in my life:

Dixie- Me, obviously. I’m the twenty-something adventurous type. I am loud. I drink too much and I’ve slept with a slightly unnecessary number of people. I live in Manhattan, so I have to pick and choose where I spend my money after rent. I prefer to blow most of it on clothes and booze.

Ellie- My best friend. This bitch has been my partner in crime since I was 10 years old. Now we live together and we love every second of it. We’ve seen each other through a lot and there is no problem or man we can’t handle. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better friend.

Brandon- The man I left. We didn’t break up when I moved to the city. I wasn’t ready to end that relationship. I mean, it could still work providing he doesn’t find out about the things I really do. He’s not what I would describe as brilliant or successful, but damnit, I like him anyway.

Cory- The fat wallet. I met Cory at a party on the Upper East Side. I don’t think we’ve ever had a bill or tab that was less than $100…even at lunch. He’s older than me, but nothing outrageous. He’s super sweet and he’s about to move out of his house on Long Island and into Manhattan. Can I handle him being closer? Hide and watch.

PhilMo- Still in the cradle. I don’t get with guys younger than myself, but I spotted this one across the bar and said “I want THAT one.” In general he’s worthless, but he’s sort of like a puppy; very excited, likes to be on me, and loyal (enough for me). Did I mention I can’t wait to fuck him? It’s going to be spectacular.

Many more will make appearances. I actually have two lined up but they haven’t earned an introduction yet. I’d love to stay and tell a story or two but I think it’s time to go get drunk in Brooklyn. Ciao!